LDA/LDI (Low Dose Antigen/Low Dose Immunotherapy)

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LDA (short for “low dose allergens”, or ultra low dose enzyme activated immunotherapy) is a method of immunotherapy using minute doses of beta glucuronidase (10 -13) and various allergens 1 to 1,000,000 (10-6) to 10-17 It is theorized to stimulate the production of T-suppressor cells (aka T Regulator (T Reg) cells). T Reg cells downregulate “helper” cells that are causing patients to be ill because they misidentify normal substances in the body to be allergens. LDA is administered every 2 months at first, and then less often as time goes on. For adults, one to three tiny (1/20 ml) skin injections are given to the inner arm. For children (who generally do not like needles) the tiny drop(s) can be placed between the lower lip and gums. LDA is used to treat all types of allergy, sensitivity, and intolerance to pollens, dust, mites, danders, foods, and chemicals. It can be used for hay fever, asthma, eczema, food allergies, and many other problems. LDA has been used safely on children as young as one month of age.

How is this different than Conventional Allergy Immunotherapy (aka “allergy shots”)?

Conventional immunotherapy starts the dose at 1 to 10,000 (10-4)and is increased over time to as high as 1 to 10 (101) for IgE mediated allergies. This works by causing the patient to produce an IgG “blocking antibody” which inhibits mast cells from releasing histamine. (Histamine produces the allergy symptoms.) The more blocking antibody that can be produced, the more successful is the treatment, but this requires very high doses of allergen. High doses of allergen often causes intolerable swelling and other side effects before the clinical effects can be seen, and can be dangerous due to the risk of severe reactions such as massive swelling, anaphylaxis, collapse and even death.

Only inhalants – not foods or chemicals – are used in conventional immunotherapy. LDA immunotherapy, however, is cell-mediated and extremely low dose. The very highest possible dose of LDA is at least a million times less than the standard dose for conventional immunotherapy. To date no fatal or life-threatening systemic reactions to LDA have been reported with over 1 million doses given.

Conventional immunotherapy is generally administered twice per week for the first four to six months. Once the very high maintenance dose is reached, the treatment interval may be extended to once every two weeks or even monthly, but rarely less often without return of symptoms. Conventional immunotherapy cannot usually be stopped without the return of some or significant symptoms within 3 to 12 months of cessation.


How well does LDA work?

The overall response rate for all conditions treated with LDA is approximately 65-95%, depending on the condition being treated.

Are there any disadvatages to LDA?

Most patients must adhere to a very restricted diet the day before, the day of, and the day after LDA treatment. There are also a number of medications (such as antihistamines and aspirin), that may significantly reduce or destroy the effect LDA if taken in the three weeks after treatment.

For more information on LDA including its history, see http://www.drshrader.com/lda_therapy.htm

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